Principal's Desk

I am of the considered view that running of educational institutions is a joint venture wherein students, staff, Management and parents are co-partners. Co-ordination among all the co-partners is a pre-requisite for accomplishment of objective of quality education.

The mind is not an empty vessel to be filled. It is a flame or a fire to be kindled. To transform our children into thinking individuals is our endeavour. They must have a perspective that is individualistic yet collaborative to achieve higher goals in life. Education unfetters their imagination and creativity and allows them to soar and touch the skylines of success. The students must be geared and motivated to meet the higher challenges and opportunities of current times. In the globalized and integrated world of today skill development is a vital ingredient in this quest, to make our future generation emerge as the skill capital of the world and make a mark in all fields of activity. The school has been working relentlessly in this direction and providing excellent opportunities for creation of such a creative location.

Head Boy's Message

We the Xaverian’s are quite fortunate to have received the opportunity of studying in this prestigious institution with the guidance and blessings of our respected fathers and teachers,

our school is attaining new peaks of success day by day. It’s really an honor for me to be the president of this school. For me it’s like a dream coming true. It is said that students are the future of our country and St. Mary’s English School High school has given us a platform to develop our true leadership potential, so that, in future we can lead our country to a better path of development. To serve and live ‘For God and Country’ is our motto, so let us try our best to excel ourselves in all spheres of academic life and work for the “Greater Glory of God”, So that, in future we can lead our country to a better path of development. To serve and live “For God and Country” is our motto, so let us try our best to excel ourselves in all spheres of academic life and work for the ‘Greater Glory of God’, so that we can bring fame and glory to our school and maintain its dignity and legacy forever and ever.

Head Girl's Message

St. Mary’s English School, PATNA is such an institution which is giving opportunity to thousands of students from last 75+ years to achieve success in their life and become a great role model for the coming generation.

When it comes to be the head girl of such a glorious school, it brings a lot of responsibilities and expectations from each one of you. But I can never complete these responsibilities and stand on your expectations without help, trust and guidance of each one of you. My dear friends, I will always stand next to you whenever it is needed but at the same time your support is also expected. “WHEN IT COMES TO BE THE ARCHITECT OF CHANGE,I DON’T KNOW OF ANY MORE EFFECTIVE BLUEPRINT THAN EDUCATION”- Chancellor Linda Katehi.

But education is not received, it is achieved. Our school is giving us the opportunity to achieve this quality education. A child comes here with a dream and this school makes that dream come true. I want to wish you all the very best for your dreams. May God shower his blessings upon all of us and guide us on the true path. At last, whenever you enter this campus remember one thing – This school has its own glorious history and being a part of it, it is your duty to maintain its honor and legacy.

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