About ST.Mary English Heigh School

St. Mary’s English School embarked on its academic journey in 2004 and dedicated itself towards the objective of creating global citizens with an international perspective and has since grown into an exemplary senior secondary school. Academics is our foremost concern and priority .

Sound and updated content information is imparted by dedicated and qualified subject experts and augmented with practical application of garnered knowledge. We believe in harnessing the interminable power of digital technology to propel learning. Educating through smart classes provides a fitting experience and enables the students to adapt to the modern world fiesta seamlessly . The modules are embedded in a template that allows the educator to teach a chosen lesson in class, frame by frame with engaging and instructionally-sound animated set of visuals while retaining complete control on the pace of delivery. Providing opportunities for nurturing a well-rounded personality is our tireless endeavour. The state-of -the -art auditorium with a seating capacity of over 200, with excellent lighting and sound system is the ideal platform for channelizing the energy of the students into a creative, productive and innovative direction.


The Motto of the institution is “For God And Country”. The implied meaning is a declaration of loyalty or fealty to both God and country. Obviously since God comes first, if there is ever a question as to picking one or the other, the phrase is meant to imply that God comes first in loyalty. This rarely is actually the case though, as people freely kill for their country in violation of one of the ten commandments put forth by their god, thus people tend to choose obedience to man as a priority to obedience to God despite their idealized priority.

Irrespective of this irregular use, the meaning is still the same: for god and country is a declaration of loyalty to god first and then to country. It means those people who have adopted that slogan are doing what they do for god and country.


Irrespective of this irregular use, the meaning is still the same: for god and country is a declaration of loyalty to god first and then to country. It means those people who have adopted that slogan are doing what they do for god and country.

  • Once a Xaverian always a Xaverian.
  • St. Mary’s English School School till the end, Xavier’s for life.
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