The Motto of the institution is “For God And Country”. The implied meaning is a declaration of loyalty or fealty to both God and country. Obviously since God comes
first, if there is ever a question as to picking one or the other, the phrase is meant to imply that God comes first in loyalty. This rarely is actually
the case though, as people freely kill for their country in violation of one of the ten commandments put forth by their god, thus people tend to choose
obedience to man as a priority to obedience to God despite their idealized priority.
Irrespective of this irregular use, the meaning is still the same: for god and country is a declaration of loyalty to god first and then to
country. It means those people who have adopted that slogan are doing what they do for god and country.
Irrespective of this irregular use, the meaning is still the same: for god and country is a declaration of loyalty to god first and then to
country. It means those people who have adopted that slogan are doing what they do for god and country.
- Once a Xaverian always a Xaverian.
- St. Mary’s English School School till the end, Xavier’s for life.